miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009

I am DAVID PARTIDA VAZQUEZ ALEJANDRO was born on April 17, 1994 and live in Villa Hidalgo SLP My parents are GLORIA VAZQUEZ MORENO and JUAN CARLOS PARTIDA ARANDA. I am of Mexican nationality and I have 3 brothers Juan Carlos Jr., rocio Lisset Itzel and Diana. When I enter the garden of children I found helios and we became friends. After I entered the school in second FRANCISCO GANZALEZ BOCANEGRA where we became friends alan fernando. after we graduated i enter the number twelve secondary technical school where I taught several things here. in the two months of third grade and I got three awards and I hope I get a diploma at the end of the cycle. me at ten years old and did my communion twelve confirmation in the parish of San Jose

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